Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Fun Rainy Days Part 1

When there is a shortage of rain, people especially farmers worry and complain because water is essential for the growth of crops. But if there is a lot of rain, farmers worry because of the possibility of floods that may destroy all their crops.
To children rain brings joy and laughter because there are numerous things to do. To me rainy days are wonderful days especially at night. The sound of rain dropping onto the zinc roof provided a calm and soothing effect. It helped me sleep soundly. It was a special symphony to my ears. I practically enjoyed the pitter-patter of rain drops on the zinc roof and on puddles on the floor.
My mind was immediately relaxed and all I wanted was to doze off and hope for beautiful dreams. Rainy days also provided relief from the heat generated by the roof during the daytime. The old house had a zinc roof and the heat created during the day was unbearable. If it rained for a couple of days, it was quite cold though.
Anyway, as I said earlier, rainy days were fun days. While waiting for the rain to stop, my siblings and I folded paper boats out of pages of the old exercise books. We tore the used pages and folded all sorts of paper boats; long sampans, sail boats and tiny yachts. The process provided a chance for us to chat and compete. It also fostered our relationship.
After the rain had subsided, we ran out to the drain beside the house. The water in the drain flowed swiftly and we had the greatest time of our life. We place our boats one by one and watched them sailed with the current. When they sank we were sad but when they sailed upright until they were out of sight we felt proud and happy.
We even had a competition to see if our boats would win the race. A mark was set and we placed our boats together. It was fun to see them race together. Of course some sank due to the uneven current. We jumped with joy if we won the race.

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